A slave is manumited for the kaffârat of a fast. He who cannot manumit a slave fasts successively for sixty days. After sixty days, he makes qadâ for each...
It means to fast one day for one day, which can be performed sporadically as well as on successive days. If another Ramadân intervenes while one is fasting intermittently,...
— In Ramadân-isherîf or while fasting for qadâ or kaffârat or while performing vowed or supererogatory fast, if one forgets that one is fasting and eats, drinks, or has...
In the month of Ramadân, while one knows that one is fasting and while one has intended before the dawning of the previous fajr for the fast, eating or...
THERE ARE EIGHT KINDS OF FAST: 1 - The fasts that are fard. Fard fasts also have two kinds: the one which is performed at a certain time, fasting...
The fourth of the five principles of Islam is to fast every day in the blessed month of Ramadân. The fast became fard on the tenth day of the...
The author of Riyâd-un-nâsihîn ‘rahmatullâhi ta’âlâ ’alaih’ says that Hadrat Alî, the Emîrulmu’mînîn ’kerrem-Allâhu wejheh’, says: Rasûlullah declared in his farewell hajj: “Pay zakât of your property! Be it...
The ’ushr and zakât of animals that graze in the fields are paid to the poor, but it is permissible also to deliver them to the Beytulmâl. If a...
Zakât is paid only to the Muslims existing in the seven groups written below. The eighth group was muallafat-ul-qulûb. That is, the harsh enemies of Islam used to be...
Page (38) Their zakat is necessary when the male and female horses are fed together for breeding in the fields. Zakât is not necessary if they are intended for...
In Iran, Mesud Pezeshkian once I have stated that he “could be the regime’s last elected president”. The process for...
Saudi Arabia has strongly rejected Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s statements regarding the displacement of Palestinians from their lands. Riyadh...